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Canine fMRI Scans: The Future Is Bright (Unless You’re a Celebrity Dog Trainer)

One reason why celebrity dog trainers and other self-appointed “experts” are so quick to tell you what your dog is thinking or feeling is this: it’s difficult to prove them wrong. As you may have noticed, dogs can’t communicate verbally.  So they’re never going to explicitly tell us what’s going on inside their heads.  Instead, […]

Real (Non-Millanian) Evidence That Exercise Will Improve Your Dog’s Behavior

Perhaps you’ve heard a little Mexican-American fella with a meticulously coiffed goatee and rollerblades tell you that the three fundaments of successfully managing unwanted canine behaviors are “exercise, discipline, and affection — in that order.” Well, if you’re reading this blog, chances are that you’re a bit more skeptical than the average bear.  If you’re […]

Canine Personality Types — Myth or Reality?

For a doggie-centric lesson on why you shouldn’t always trust advice given by “experts” (be they of the self-appointed or certified variety), try this easy three-step exercise: 1.  Google “canine personality types”; 2.  Record the number of different (and inconsistent) canine personality-type paradigms that are discussed in just the top-three search results; and 3.  Record […]